Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Electrical Lineman free essay sample

Training a dog can be very beneficial and a lot fun for both you and your pet! When you think about training a dog, you think about how difficult it might be, and time consuming. Really, its not. Training a dog can be very easy, and won’t take more than 5 minutes out of your day. There are a lot of benefits for both you and your dog when you have completed training. For example: You’ll have a happier dog, and a better understanding of animal behavior. Also, if you place your pet up for adoption, the training received will increase the dog’s value. This is just a small example about what you can learn and receive from training your dog! In this research report, you will not only learn about your dog and how your dog thinks, but I will also instruct you in a step-by-step process of training your pet. A very important fact that you will have to realize is that your dog may not do a trick as well as another breed of dog can. When talking to a Dog Trainer of 15 years named Jan I asked why. â€Å"Take a Golden Retriever for example. If you tell a Golden retriever to retrieve a ball, it will be more likely to do so rather than ask a Bull Dog to retrieve something. With different breeds of dogs there are different capabilities. Jan tells me. There are many things you have to consider about your animal when training it, one of the most important facts to look at is your breed of dog. My dog for example is a Yellow Lab, Bella. Since Bella is a Yellow Lab, she is loyal, and is good at swimming. However, Bella digs and tears things up. This proves that some breeds of dogs can do things better than others. You may need to consider that your dog is unable to do certain things. Believe it or not, your dog has limits! When I talk about your dog’s limits, I am really talking about your dog’s capabilities. For example: your dog might not understand English. Your dog may have a hard time walking on two legs like a human, and might not be able to do a back flip without killing itself. If you take time to actually teach your dog every day, they might understand; and that is not going and screaming at your dog for 20 seconds then walking away. When training a dog, people get frustrated because their dog either won’t do the trick, or won’t do it correctly. You must understand that when your mom or dad was teaching you something, you probably didn’t learn it the first time. Your dog isn’t much different. Yelling at your dog won’t work either. It will however terrify them. You might want to consider making friends with your dog and not enemies. Continuing with my interview I asked questions like, ‘how does a dog understand a human? ’. Jan replied, â€Å"A dog will understand through two ways: words and body language. 85% of the time, dogs will respond due to body language. Dogs only know very few words. † When asked why Jan trains animals she said, â€Å"I train dogs for many reasons, but the most important reasons are the pay, there are less homeless dogs and for personal satisfaction. I love it when an untrained dog walks through the door and six weeks later he walks back out, completely trained and obedient. † If I were to ask you, â€Å"what do you think dog training is? † you could probably give me a sentence or two about dog training. On the other hand, if your dog could understand English and I asked him the same question, what do you think your dog would tell me? You must understand that training, to your dog, can be a stressful experience. You are not only speaking to him in a foreign language but you are also expecting him to do something. Something he may not know how to do. Which is where you come in, first, I will talk about seven different types of training. These seven different training techniques are: Modeling, Luring, Shaping, Targeting, Capturing, Learn and Reward, and Gentle guidance. In these paragraphs, I will explain each of these with greater detail, beginning with Modeling. You use Modeling when you are teaching a dog a trick. For Example: Sit, Lay down, and shake. When using modeling you show your dog how to do the trick. When teaching your dog sit, you put your hand on the dogs lower back and stick your hand underneath the dogs nose. Push down on the dogs lower back and force the dogs head up. Your dog will sit. When your dog has sat down, give him credit. Luring, is a combination of Modeling and Treats. When using Luring, you usually show the dog how to do the trick and give him/her a treat. The good result of using Luring for training a dog is that it will train your dog quickly. The bad result is that your dog may only do the trick if they see a treat first. If you fail to give them a treat after every trick, they may decide to not obey you anymore. Shaping, is a complicated and great way to teach your pet! If you decide to use shaping to train your dog you timing will have to be precise. Teaching your dog to not dig for example. You would use shaping to teach your dog this. Shaping is a hard technique to use, but the changes in your dog’s behavior is amazing! Targeting, uses the technique of shaping. Targeting is used for motion tricks and is also hard, for your timing on giving your dog credit, and teaching your dog to not do something has to be very precise. You would use targeting when teaching a dog to jump. Targeting is a technique that will take time and effort. Capturing is a combination of all of the techniques I have just discussed. Capturing, a lot like shaping, is a hard technique to use and can be very frustrating. The results may vary on if your dog understood his/her training. When using capturing you have to be patient and you have to keep a cool head. Also you and your dog have to be able to focus. When using learn and reward, you encourage your dog to do the right thing. If your dog even spontatiously does the right thing, you give your dog a reward. The dog will see that that is what you want him to do. Learn and reward is a favorite among dog trainers, mainly because it is a quick and easy technique to getting your dog trained. Now when using this technique, you are not sitting there telling your dog a command waiting for your dog to do it. You help the dog understand by showing it, modeling, and by going through step by step processes. Gentle guidance is when you train your dog through positive reinforcement, and reward your dog when they are correct. You don’t say no in this, and you don’t use force such as choker chains to make the dogs do what you want them to do. You must be very patient when using this method.

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